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1. 알라메다 stETH 5만개 매도
- 알라메다가 stETH의 위험성을 판단하고 손해를 보고 매도 했다는 뉴스 입니다.
- 알라메다는 stETH랑 ETH랑 1:1 페깅이 안되서 문제가 발생할 것으로 예상하고 있다고 하네요.
탈중앙화 금융(DeFi) 플랫폼 커브(Curve) 내 stETH/ETH 풀 유동성이 빠르게 고갈되고 있으며, stETH에서 이더리움(ETH)으로 대규모 환전이 발생할 경우 연쇄 청산으로 stETH 가격이 급락할 수 있다는 주장이 제기됐다.
stETH는 이더리움2.0 스테이킹 플랫폼 리도(Lido)에서 제공하는 스테이킹된 ETH를 뜻한다.
출처: https://www.hankyung.com/finance/article/202206103217B
커브 내 stETH/ETH 디페깅…"대규모 stETH 청산 가능성 논란"
커브 내 stETH/ETH 디페깅…"대규모 stETH 청산 가능성 논란", 뉴스
It’s Time To Get Interested In Ethereum Again
6월 9일 MarketBeat article에 의하면 이더리움에 다시 관심을 가져야 한다는 기사를 발행했습니다.
- 현재 가격은 매우 낮은 수준이다
- 이더리움은 major upgrade를 준비 중인 것은 모두 알고 있는 사실 입니다.
: Original ETH ( Proof-of- Work) --> ETH2.0 (Proof-of-Stake)
The Rebound In Ethereum Is Brewing : 이더리움의 반등이 만들어 지고 있다.
The Ethereum Merge…Should Happen Soon : 이더리움의 merge가 곧 일어날 것이다.
- Merge에 대한 리스크는 존재 한다. 그러나 기술적으로 원할히 해결될 것이고, 하나의 단일 network으로 전환될 것이다.
-아래 차트에 의하면 현재 crypto 겨울로 진입하고 있는 단계라고 분석하고 있습니다.
-좀더 하락 할 것으로 예상하고 있네요. 1398$USD 까지 하락 (12일 기준: 1463$usd) 예상이기 때문에, 추가 하락이 있을 것을 예상하고 있습니다.
-추가 하락후 장기간 횡보하다가 다시 CryptoSpring이 발생 할 것을 암시하고 있는 차트 입니다.
The Winklevoss twins are cutting the staff at Gemini and say crypto winter is upon us. With the price of Ethereum down more than 60% from the recent high, it certainly looks like that is the case.
Our take, however, is that Ethereum is finally starting to look interesting again because it is trading at a very low level, above previous resistance, and all ahead of the next major upgrade.
Called “The Merge,” the next upgrade will merge the original Ethereum blockchain with the newer Beacon Chain to bring ETH 2.0 to life. At that time Ethereum will officially switch from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake and become what we view as a more viable platform for investment.
Once Ethereum goes POS, the miners will fade away in favor of stakeholders who finance the network and provide liquidity for transactions.
Crypto winter is not a new phenomenon. The cryptocurrency market has undergone multiple deep pullbacks, but the one that began in 2017/2018 stands out. The difference then was that China began a lockdown that is pushing cryptocurrency out of the country.
That lockdown shaved billions in market cap as investors flooded the exits and that is not what’s happening now. At that time, the market corrected more than 90% and we don’t see that happening now.
The market is sitting on a pretty firm support target now and that is still above the key support target near $1420. The $1420 target is coincident with the previous all-time high and should provide a solid bounce, if not a reversal, and it is only 70% below the recent highs. The last Cryptospring delivered a return of 4700%.
The Rebound In Ethereum Is Brewing
The rebound in Ethereum following the first crypto winter was driven by growing interest in the technology. That interest manifested itself after the market languished for a few years and included renewed consumer interest, acceptance by mainstream financial circles, and the rise of decentralized finance.
Decentralized finance, or Defi, is the next layer in the cryptocurrency onion and includes services like loans, insurance, and other financial transactions that require backing and/or liquidity. The switch to ETH 2.0 is itself a form of Defi because stakeholders will receive fees for their efforts.
The amount of Ether staked on The Beacon Chain has grown steadily since its launch in December 2020. The total value is now over 12.75 million ETH or just shy of $23 billion.
The total dollar value is down, of course, due to the decline in ETH value, but we see that issue correcting itself. When it does, the dollar value of The Beacon Chain will skyrocket due to the increased leverage and create a positive feedback loop for the market.
The Ethereum Merge…Should Happen Soon
The merging of Ethereum and ETH 2.0 should happen soon, but investors shouldn’t hold their breath. The upgrade has been on the schedule for years and pushed back multiple times.
The latest update, dated June 2, says to expect sometime in the 2nd half of the year and we are leaning toward the back end of that estimate. When it comes, there will be two main risks. The first is it won’t come; the upgrade could be pushed back again and again due to the complexity of the system.
The second is that it won’t work. If it doesn’t work, the upgrade could wipe billions in value out of existence, but we don’t think that will happen. More likely the upgrade will get deployed and we’ll be back to a single Ethereum network fairly soon.
After that, the next step is to deploy the shard-chain function that will allow off-chain transactions within the Ethereum framework. When that happens it will be off to the races for Ethereum’s price because all that Ethereum has to offer will at our fingertips.
출처: https://www.investing.com/analysis/its-time-to-get-interested-in-ethereum-again-200625526
It’s Time To Get Interested In Ethereum Again | Investing.com
Market Analysis by MarketBeat.com (Thomas Hughes) covering: ETH/USD. Read MarketBeat.com (Thomas Hughes)'s Market Analysis on Investing.com
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