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ISTQB Foundation Level - MBT(Model-Based Tester)

by story of interesting 2022. 3. 13.

ch -1 : Introduction to Model-Based testing

ch -2 : MBT Modeling

ch -3 : Selection Criteria for Test Case Generation

ch -4 : MBT Test Implementation and Execution

ch -5 : Evaluating and Deploying an MBT Approach


ch 1 Introduction to Model-Based Testing

MBT is an advanced test approach using models for testing


1. Misleading Expectations and Pitfalls of MBT

- MBT sloves all problems

- MBT is just a matter of tooling

- Models are always correct

- Test case explosin will occur


2. Essential MBT Artifacts(Inputs and Outputs)

2.1) Input artifacts

- Test Strategy

- Test basis including requirements and other test targests, test conditions, oral infor, and existing desing or models

- incident and defect report, test log and test execution logs from previous test execution activites

- Method and process guidelines, tool documents

2.2) Output artifacts

- MBT models

- Parts of the test plan

- Test scenarios, test suites, test schedules, test design spec

- Test case, test procedure spec, test data

- Bidirectioanl traceability matrix


3. Test levle and test type

- Test level : high level (integration, system, acceptance testing), less commonly used in component(unit) testing

- Test type : functional testing, non-functional testing(security, load/stress, reliablity)



Ch 2 MBT Modeling


1. Subject and Focus of MBT Models


1-1 Subject of MBT Models ( 3 types model)


1) System model : describes the system

- class diagram for object-oriented system

- state diagrams

- state transitions of reactive systems


2) Environment model / Usage model : describs the environment of the system

- environment models include Markov chain models


3) Test model : model of test case, this typically includes the expected behavior of the test object and its evaluation

- test case descriptions

- graphical representation of a test procdures


2. Focus of MBT Models (3 types)


1) Structural models : describe static structure

- class diagrams

- interface specifications

- classification trees for data modeling


2) Behavioral models : describe dynamic interactions

- acitivity diagrams

- business process models describing activities and workflows

- state diagrams describing inputs and outputs of a system


3) Both


2.2.2 Language categories relevant for different systems and project objectives

- state diagrams : represent the expected behavior of a control/command test object

- activity diagram or BPMN models : workflow for eht end-to-end testing of an information system

- dicision table and cause-effect graph: business rule for system testing

- timed model : responsiveness of a test object for timed test case

- feature models : variants in the context of the sw product line


2.3 Quality characteristics for models

- Syntactic Quality (Correctness) : formal description - Tool may check

- Semnatic Quality (Validity) : correct with respect to what it shall describe - Review check

- Pragmatic Quality (Suitablity) : for the given test objective - Model simulators check

Ch 3 Selection Criteria for Test case Generation

From the same MBT model, various test suites may be generated, Using test selection criteria helps the teester to select a meaningfule subset of test cases fits the targeted test objectives


3.1 Test selection criteria (6th)

Coverage-based test selection criteria relate test generation

1) Requirement linked to the MBT model  : mbt model elements be linked to selected requirements

2) Model coverage

3) Data-releated test selection criteria


4) Random

5) Scenario-based and pattern-based

6) Project-driven

Ch 4 MBT Test implementation and Execution


4.1 Abstract and Concrete test cases in the MBT Context

- Abstract : test case without concrete values for input data and expected results, they also do not specify test steps in fine detail - may be targeted for review by business analysits

-Concrete : test case with concrete values for input data and expected results, with very detailed descriptions of test steps - may be directly executed by testers


4.2 Different kinds of test execution

MBT generated test cases may be executed manually or automatically


For manual test execution, testers execute test cases that have been generated by the MBT tool


For automated test execution, 3 main approaches

1) adaptation approach - adaptation layer code is written to bridge the abstration gap : keyword-dirven testing approach

2) transformation approach - MBT generated test cases are directly converted into automated test scripts : no test adaptation layer is required

3) mixed approach







