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[5/2] Ethereum Classic(ETC) Analysis

by story of interesting 2021. 5. 2.

[English Version]


I will analysis about ETC today.

1. Be cafefule ETC

As you know, it was hacked so it have some weak-point about it

"Eric Conner who found EthHub said in his tweeter at this day that "ETC has been soring 140%, but ETC is dead chain and He said everyone should be careful this madness"

but right after, someone replied their's opinnon, what will happen next? 


2. Chart analysis

These day. ETC's price is close to the highest price, Many people didn't analyzed ETC will reach the before higgest price. But others coin already jumped the higgest prices 

In my strategy. I will sell some this coin in near future, so make some cash by sell it



[Korean Version]


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기본적인 내용은 이미 공부해서 아시리라 판단하고요. 재밌는 것들 몇개를 찾아 공유 합니다.

1. 이더리움클래식 주의 하자

- 이미 아시겠지만, 해킹에 취약한 코인입니다. 

에릭 코너(Eric Conner) 이더허브(EthHub) 창업자는 이날 자신의 트위터를 통해 "이더리움클래식(ETC)이 이번주 140%의 상승폭을 보였다. (ETC는) 완전히 죽은 체인이다"며 "조심해야 한다. 광기에 빠져들지 말고 모든 것이 하락할 것

--> 그러나 Reply이 재밌네요 ㅎㅎ, 누가 맞을지요 



2. 차트 분석

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저는 일부 익절하고 현금 확보할까 합니다.
