CBDCs are a declaration of war against the banking system claims economist
CBDCs are a declaration of war against the banking system claims economist
Known for his quantitative easing theory, published almost 30 years ago, Richard Werner is an advocate for a decentralized economy.
CBDCs are a declaration of war against the banking system, Richard Werner — development economist and professor at De Montfort University — told Cointelegraph at Web Summit on Nov. 4.
Known for his quantitative easing theory, published almost 30 years ago, Werner is an advocate for a decentralized economy. In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph's editor-in-chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr, he discussed the challenges that surround decentralization, the role of central banks, and how blockchain can help promote transparency in economies.
What is the role of blockchain here?
RW: It does usually mean the potential for decentralization by definition because it is a distributed ledger. Why? Where does this expression come from on distributed ledger? The ledger is the account double entry, accounting, asset liability, the balance sheet of a company and a bank.
The standard system is a centralized ledger held by the central bank and then the banks. Because the more banks you have, the more decentralization you already have, but a totally decentralized ledger is where everyone can check using the technology for transactions. You have this post and check and, therefore, accountability. That's why it's an interesting tool. It gives this transparency and local accountability if it's used in the right way. I think, once again, it's an ideal combination of blockchains and combining it with local banking because then you maximize service.
Richard Werner 교수의 인터뷰 내용 이네요. 이 분은 분산경제 이론의 옹호자라고 합니다.
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그러면서 블럭체인 기술과 은행과의 조화가 Ideal 하다고 생각하는 듯 합니다.
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